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A Thorough Guide to Crypto Quests: The Ultimate Tool for Web3 Gamification?

Crypto quests are a concept that’s become very popular in the last few years. It’s part of an ever-growing precedent within the industry - one that addresses the gamification of Web3, and its introduction to the wider masses.

At first, Web3 quests were frankly rather niche - only small projects conducted them, and even then, these quests looked like nothing they do today. On the flip side, a single look at major crypto platforms these days should showcase just how popular quests have become. Well, quests *and* crypto missions - I’ll tell you about an amazing initiative related to missions, a bit later in the article.

All of that being said - are crypto quests really worth it? Should you participate in them, or are there better ways to spend your time (and, sometimes - money)? Lastly, where should you look for quests, if you do decide to participate?

Those are some good questions - let’s tackle them one at a time, shall we?

Jeff Burton

EA Co-Founder and CEO at Woodside Creek Ventures

Why do you think gamification is important in education?

Gamification fosters a sense of autonomy and mastery. Students have the freedom to navigate their learning journey at their own pace, making choices and experiencing the consequences within a safe environment. This autonomy promotes intrinsic motivation, as students feel empowered and responsible for their own learning outcomes. Additionally, the feedback loop inherent in gamified systems provides continuous assessment and reinforces learning objectives, facilitating mastery of skills and concepts.

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Some Background on Crypto Quests

The term “crypto quests” is often used somewhat loosely - people refer to different things when they talk about NFT quests, crypto missions, or the concept of GameFi crypto, in general.

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So, let’s define things, to ensure we’re both on the same page.

Crypto quests are (hopefully) fun activities that you can participate in and earn rewards. “Activities” would usually reference some sort of tasks related to cryptocurrencies or Web3, and “rewards” would refer to tokens, NFTs, or something else along those lines.

If you come from the traditional gaming scene, the term “quest” might invoke thoughts of classic RPGs or major MMOs - unfortunately, in most cases, crypto quests are still far from that level of technological sophistication. It’s getting there, though - with Web3 already being referenced as far back as over a decade ago[1], the space shows no signs of stopping, development- and growth-wise.

Crypto quests: a man with a VR headset, playing a game.

That being said, what’s the difference between, say, “crypto quests” and “NFT quests”? Can these terms be used interchangeably?

Well, look - to keep it simple, I’ll put it this way. All types of “quests” - crypto, NFT, metaverse, or else - are essentially smaller parts of what you can refer to as “Web3 quests”. That’s because all of those concepts (and then some) make up Web3!

One thing that combines all types of crypto quests is their emphasis on gamification - the term “quest” kind of hints at this, honestly. Some quests embrace this a bit more than others, but the core idea stands.

Generalized theory is nice, sure, but let’s get a bit more specific - let me give you a few examples of the types of crypto quests that you might encounter out there, in the industry.

Types of Crypto Quests

The following are given in no particular order, but they should help you form a bit of a better understanding of crypto quests.

  • Blockchain-Based Quests: As the name suggests, these quests will essentially involve you participating in and performing various blockchain-based tasks. Swaps, bridges, transfers, mints - you name it, there’s probably a quest out there that asks you to do it.
  • Community Participation Quests: This type of quest is very community-oriented. Tasks might include following certain social media channels, discussing the underlying project with peers, or simply “spreading the word”.
  • Project Interaction Quests: Many crypto quests will require you to interact with the underlying platform - namely, the project on which the quest is based on. These interactions can be of any kind, but will usually involve a combination of community participation and some network-based actions, such as token bridging.
  • Educational Quests: Once again, rather self-explanatory - the main goal of these crypto quests is education. In other words, as you participate in these quests, you’ll have the opportunity to learn something about the project or the wider space, as a whole. It's actually a phenomenon that's becoming increasingly more popular[2]! Probably the best-known example of “educational quests” would be Coinbase Learn.
  • Actual GameFi: “GameFi” stands for “game finance”. It’s an odd-sounding term, but what it refers to is the effort to bring the benefits of blockchain technology to the traditional gaming sector. Naturally, those benefits include rewards - as for GameFi tasks, they’ll usually take place in digital worlds, and will resemble actual, traditional gaming quests.

Admittedly, there are multiple other types of crypto quests out there - after all, new ones are springing up every once in a while! That said, these are some of the main categories that you’ll encounter - most quests will fall under their umbrella.

Are Crypto Quests Worth it?

Now that's a loaded question. Let’s try and break it down.

As interesting of a concept as it may be, crypto quests are still often debated - specifically, people ponder whether or not they’re worth the time, effort, and, sometimes - money.

Of course, there’s a lot of generalization involved in these ponderings. That said, let’s do a quick overview of the main attraction points, as well as the “cons” associated with crypto quests.

The Benefits of Crypto Quests

At the top of the benefits list, you have the obvious culprit - rewards.

Most people partake in crypto quests and perform various tasks simply to earn rewards promised by the underlying projects. Indeed, depending on the quests and the tasks that they involve, the rewards can be really notable!

If you’ve googled through some crypto quests, chances are that you’ve also noticed that there are many different platforms hosting these quests. Some are standalone (meaning, they host their own quests), others act as launchpads (host quests for multiple projects).

Crypto quests: Coinbase Learn.

The reason why I mention these platforms now is because they usually have a pretty good layout of available crypto quests, and showcase the rewards that you can expect to receive. Depending on the quest, the most popular reward types are native project tokens, NFTs, USDT or some other stablecoins, and similar.

Another huge benefit associated with crypto quests would be that of community engagement, or simply - participation is something *big*.

As you solve quests and interact with other enthusiasts, you’ll be able to form friendships, and find a lot of like-minded people. This is just one way of how the Web3 space grows! Engaging with peers can help you develop your own ideas or opinions about certain projects, and learn faster than on your own.

Following that, and speaking about the growth of the Web3 space, this is also a huge factor to consider, as well. With quests often being centered around either Web3 & crypto fundamentals, or some latest projects and innovations, participating in them can help you stay ahead of the game, and learn about the latest developments faster than most people.

Crypto quests: quests on Optimism.

Lastly, we can’t really skip the “education” part, can we? In fact, one could argue that it’s probably the most important reward that you can receive from a crypto quest, at least long-term.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, some crypto quests are going to focus on the fundamentals of the industry - crypto, NFTs, Web3, AI, trades & swaps, wallets & exchanges, and so on. Knowledge of these topics is invaluable, and it should be engraved into every enthusiast's mind - crypto quests are a good way to do so!

On the other hand, one of the main goals of the space is mass adoption - in order for it to be achieved, people (the masses in question) need a fun and hassle-free way to learn the fundamentals of Web3. Gamified and interactive crypto quests present themselves to be a great option!

The Shortcomings of Crypto Quests

The benefits are clear - but what about the shortcomings?

I mean… Are there any? With crypto quests being a fun, optional distraction, can they really have significant shortcomings?

Well, it depends on how you look at it.

One of the biggest ‘cons’ that are sometimes associated with crypto quests has to do with scammy projects and false promises. Indeed, there are instances where a quest led enthusiasts to move mountains in order to get their reward, only to then pull the rug, and grant no rewards.

Instances like these are rare, but they do happen - with the crypto space being no stranger to scams and rug pulls, quests aren’t an exception, either.

Crypto quests: scams and tug pulls in the Web3 space.

That aside, the only other gripe that many people seem to have with Web3 quests would have to do with the level of complexity that many of them employ. With many quests asking users to perform advanced blockchain-based tasks or stress-test their platform with code, naturally, it places a certain bar on who might be able to tackle such tasks - a pretty high bar, at that.

Now, let me stress this again - these shortcomings aren’t common in the crypto questing space, but a few bad apples can often ruin the whole batch. So, no matter what your intentions with crypto quests are, it’s best to not let down your guard, especially if the quest seems fishy!

Where to Find Crypto Quests?

Let’s just say that after reading through this guide so far, you find yourself impressed with the concept of crypto quests, and would love to try them out for yourself. What’s the next step, then - how do you find quests that are worth checking out?

Well, your best bet would either be to visit some quest-hosting platforms, or to go to the projects themselves. Below, I’ve compiled a list that has both - let’s check it out.

BitDegree: The Web3 Exam & Missions

BitDegree launched the Web3 Exam and Missions not too long ago. This is, arguably, a turning point in how the industry perceives crypto quests - the product truly does appear that revolutionary.

Let’s take it one step at a time and focus on the Exam, first.

The Web3 Exam combines elements from multiple types of quests. Students taking the exam will need to interact with different communities, perform actions on the blockchain, solve quizzes, and more.

Most importantly - the goal of the Exam is to provide participants with the opportunity to both test their current knowledge of the space, as well as learn multiple new things, too!

Crypto quests: the BitDegree Web3 Exam.

The Web3 Exam happens in rounds, each of which brings something new to the table. With three difficulty levels available to be tackled, the Exam appeals to a wide range of different crypto & Web3 enthusiasts.

Upon completing any of the levels with a score at or above 10 points, students have the opportunity to mint a free NFT Certificate of Completion. To add to that, there are going to be Lucky Draw events taking place, during which lucky winners will split a $500k-worth prize pool, provided by BitDegree and its partners!

That’s the Web3 Exam. Let’s talk about the crypto Missions.

Crypto quests: BitDegree Missions.

Missions are part of the BitDegree Guild - there are other Guilds in the plans, all of which would represent different projects in the Web3 space, but currently, only the BItDegree Guld is available. Missions play out very similarly to the Exam, with a few key differences.

Firstly, all Missions are themed. They all include a “hearts” system, as well - you lose hearts for every wrong answer. Missions have their own, separate prize pools, and will have Lucky Draw events of their own, too. On top of that, they don’t have NFT Certificates of Completion.

BitDegree Exam and Missions utilize a point system, with Bits and Degrees. As you collect Bits for doing well in either of the activities, your Degree will rise - just like leveling up in a video game.

Crypto quests: BitDegree Bits, Degrees, and badges.

This is kind of the key factor of this NFT quest-like product from the leading Web3 education hub - you participate in a fun and engaging activity, while also learning new things in the background. With major industry names like Ledger, Unstoppable Domains, and BYDFi (among many others) contributing to the project, it’s safe to say that BitDegree’s Web3 Exam and Missions are a truly innovative take on crypto quests.

Best part? Creating an account is free, participation is free, the NFT Certificates are free. There are no costs associated with the Exam.

Zealy: “Traditional” Crypto Quests

Zealy is a well-known name in the crypto quest world. It’s one of the older platforms of its kind, and it essentially serves as a sort of hub for different projects to host their GameFi crypto quests on.

There are a couple of things that help Zealy stand out from the crowd.

First of all, the platform features quests from many of the better-known projects in the space. OKX, HoogWorld, LayerZero, and Wormhole are just a few names that stand out, and there are new communities forming constantly.

Crypto missions: Zealy quests.

What this essentially means is that if you’re a fan of Web3, you might find a project you love on Zealy, and be able to participate in various crypto quests associated with it. If you’re completely new to crypto, though, Zealy can still prove to be a useful tool to help you discover what the space looks like, and what’s currently trending.

Another notable aspect of Zealy is that you yourself can create a community pretty easily. This will allow you to host quests of your own, attract others to your project, and spread the intended message. Definitely a cool feature!

Zealy features an XP system, level-ups, locked quests, and a variety of other gamification features. However, since each community is different, and designs their quests according to their own philosophy, you’ll need to put in some time and explore the platform, in order to “get a feel” of what it’s like participating in said communities.

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Galxe: An Expansive Community-Building Tool

Galxe is rather unique, as far as crypto quests are concerned. This is mostly the case due to the fact that it positions itself as more of a community-building tool, rather than a “quest platform”.

Both enthusiasts, as well as different Web3 projects, go to Galxe in order to find each other. The platform has helped a large number of projects find their people, with names such as Optimism and even Polygon benefiting from Galxe’s tools.

Crypto missions: Galxe quests.

From a user perspective, however, this particular platform serves as a crypto quest provider. In a similar fashion to Zealy, you would connect to Galxe, navigate and sort through the communities that interest you, and participate in various quests to earn rewards.

Many Galxe’s Web3 quests are more standalone than with some other platforms. They are referred to as “campaigns”, and consist of a list of tasks that the user needs to complete, in order to receive some specified rewards.

Some rewards are guaranteed, others - part of different prize pools. It depends on the campaign.

All in all, Galxe is certainly a popular crypto quest platform, especially among individuals who are looking to become part of larger DeFi and GameFi communities.

Layer3: Crypto Exploration via Quests

Layer3 is probably the most straightforward crypto quest platform that you’ll come across. It has frankly become synonymous with crypto quests, and has played a role in boosting the popularity of the concept, too.

The best part about Layer3 is its UI design, combined with a beginner-friendly approach. If you’re just starting out with Web3, and are looking for an easy entryway into the space, Layer3 should prove to be one of the more approachable options.

The platform features a retro design, with elements of minimalism scattered all throughout. There are also many visual elements of gamification - chests, XP drops, badges, and so on - that are inviting, especially if you come from a traditional gaming background.

Crypto missions: Layer3 quests.

The crypto quest variety available on Layer3 is pretty great, as well. Topics range from advanced DeFi-specific stuff, all the way to beginner-oriented “welcome to Web3” tasks. Thus, most people should be able to find something that suits their preferences.

It’s worth noting, however, that many of the Web3 quests available on Layer3 are going to be pretty similar - they might involve visiting a specific bridging, swapping tokens, or acquiring a specific token via a specific platform.

In other words, if you’re looking for an engaging experience, you might need to invest some time, and find communities (projects) that fit the bill better.

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Questn: A ‘Quest to Earn’ Platform

Questn is a crypto quest platform that focuses on showcasing the various projects available on Web3. The platform emphasizes the “marketing, growth and analysis for Web3” - in other words, it allows different projects to find potential users with the help of gamified tasks.

Questn features a pretty clean design, with each quest having a separate page of its own. Since all Web3 quests are submitted by the underlying projects behind them, they will all differ in requirements, information provided, as well as the tasks themselves.

Crypto missions: Questn quests.

Interestingly enough, a lot of the crypto quests available on Questn are very social interaction-oriented. Meaning, in order to receive potential rewards, users will need to share posts, follow accounts, interact with tweets (or what were called tweets, before the X rebranding), and so on.

On Questn, you’ll be able to find quests from a variety of projects, ranging from completely new and unknown names, all the way to industry-leading brands. Furthermore, you can create quests of your own, too, and get your project featured on Questn.

The Future of Crypto Quests

By this point in the crypto quest guide, you should already have a pretty good idea of both what they are, how they work, as well as the platforms that you can use to find some of the best quests out there.

Before I let you go, there’s one more point that I want to address. It’s related to the trend and longevity of this concept.

It’s no secret that the crypto (and, by extension - the Web3) space is growing at an increasing pace. New concepts are being introduced rapidly, and anything that doesn’t work, or that doesn’t receive immediate appeal from a potential mass adoption standpoint struggles to keep up.

So… Do crypto quests have potential, long-term? Or is it more of a temporary trend that will soon fade away, like many others?

Crypto missions: the BitDegree Web3 Exam on mobile.

Well, obviously, no one really has the answer to that question. That being said, we could make an educated guess.

Crypto quests and missions employ a few key aspects that they all share - incentivization, gamification, and community participation. While some quests are one-off attempts at generating buzz and attention, others have bigger goals - e.g. educating the masses about Web3.

Take the BitDegree Web3 Exam and Crypto Missions, as an example. Projects like these promote a new approach towards education - one that’s much more native to the digital world, and especially Web3.

Streaks, hearts, points, experience, prizes, a gamified design - all of these features, among others, work to promote a novel approach to learning. So, it would make sense to consider that while some of the lower-effort quests (quest designs) might die off with the passing trend, products that create actual value would persevere.

Crypto missions: BitDegree's first Mission.

Looking at it from a more global perspective, it’s evident that both Web3 enthusiasts, as well as people just coming into the space value simplicity and convenience. If there’s a way to introduce newcomers to complex crypto concepts in an easy-to-digest manner, chances are that it’s only going to be more popular, as time goes on!

Whatever the case might be, no one can predict the future - the fate of crypto quests, NFT quests, or Web3 quests, in general, will depend on a huge array of variables. For the time being, though, it doesn’t appear they’re going anywhere.


So - that wraps up my guide on crypto quests. It’s been quite the ride, huh?

The main idea that I want you to take from this article is simple - crypto and Web3 quests are a really cool way to get into crypto, learn about different projects, and earn some rewards, while you’re at it.

At the same time, while many projects reside under this umbrella, not all crypto quests are similar. Some are super-simple “go here and click this” tasks. Other, however, are thorough adventures that you can partake in - the BitDegree Web3 Exam and Missions are a great example.

Naturally, with both of those types of quests and missions, the rewards are going to differ quite a bit, as well.

If you’re fascinated by the concept of crypto quests, make sure to check out the BitDegree Exam, as well as the available Guild and the missions residing within. Not only will you be able to improve your Web3 skills, but you’ll also have the opportunity to compete for awesome prizes, and earn an NFT Certificate of Completion!

The content published on this website is not aimed to give any kind of financial, investment, trading, or any other form of advice. BitDegree.org does not endorse or suggest you to buy, sell or hold any kind of cryptocurrency. Before making financial investment decisions, do consult your financial advisor.

Scientific References

1. Xiaoting H., Li N.: 'Subject information integration of higher education institutions in the context of Web3.0';

2. Razzaq A.: 'A Web3 secure platform for assessments and educational resources based on blockchain'.

About Article's Experts & Analysts

By Jeff Burton

EA Co-Founder and CEO at Woodside Creek Ventures

Co-Founder of EA (Electronic Arts). Serial entrepreneur and builder of global enterprises. Believer that technology and the unifying strength of multicultural exchange in the pursuit of problem-solving and business growth can lead to profound econ...

By Aaron S.


Having completed a Master’s degree in Economics, Politics, and Cultures of the East Asia region, Aaron has written scientific papers analyzing the differences between Western and Collective forms of capitalism in the post-World War II era. W...
Aaron S. , Editor-In-Chief
Having completed a Master’s degree in Economics, Politics, and Cultures of the East Asia region, Aaron has written scientific papers analyzing the differences between Western and Collective forms of capitalism in the post-World War II era.
With close to a decade of experience in the FinTech industry, Aaron understands all of the biggest issues and struggles that crypto enthusiasts face. He’s a passionate analyst who is concerned with data-driven and fact-based content, as well as that which speaks to both Web3 natives and industry newcomers.
Aaron is the go-to person for everything and anything related to digital currencies. With a huge passion for blockchain & Web3 education, Aaron strives to transform the space as we know it, and make it more approachable to complete beginners.
Aaron has been quoted by multiple established outlets, and is a published author himself. Even during his free time, he enjoys researching the market trends, and looking for the next supernova.
Jeff Burton , EA Co-Founder and CEO at Woodside Creek Ventures
Co-Founder of EA (Electronic Arts). Serial entrepreneur and builder of global enterprises. Believer that technology and the unifying strength of multicultural exchange in the pursuit of problem-solving and business growth can lead to profound economic, social, and global benefits. Long-term personal network builder in Europe and Silicon Valley over the past 40 years resulting in strong, enduring professional relationships.

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What are crypto quests?

"Crypto quests" is a term used to refer to tasks that you can partake in on different Web3 platforms, in order to earn some sort of a reward. In most cases, these activities include blockchain actions, social media-related tasks, or different interactions with the underlying projects. Sometimes, Web3 missions can also be educational, and come equipped with huge prize pools - the BitDegree Web3 Exam is a prime example.

What do I need to participate in crypto quests?

In order to participate in crypto quests, in most cases, all that you'll need is a cryptocurrency wallet (preferably - MetaMask or a similar browser-based wallet, combined with hardware storage solutions). In some cases, you will also require some cryptocurrency in order to perform certain tasks. If you'd like to participate in dedicated and rewarding missions, such as the BitDegree Web3 Exam and / or Missions, you'll also need to create an account on the respective platform, too.

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Reading through various best crypto exchange reviews online, you're bound to notice that one of the things that most of these exchanges have in common is that they are very simple to use. While some are more straightforward and beginner-friendly than others, you shouldn't encounter any difficulties with either of the top-rated exchanges. That said, many users believe that KuCoin is one of the simpler exchanges on the current market.

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In layman's terms, a cryptocurrency exchange is a place where you meet and exchange cryptocurrencies with another person. The exchange platform (i.e. Binance) acts as a middleman - it connects you (your offer or request) with that other person (the seller or the buyer). With a brokerage, however, there is no ā€œother personā€ - you come and exchange your crypto coins or fiat money with the platform in question, without the interference of any third party. When considering cryptocurrency exchange rankings, though, both of these types of businesses (exchanges and brokerages) are usually just thrown under the umbrella term - exchange. This is done for the sake of simplicity.

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No, definitely not! While some of the top cryptocurrency exchanges are, indeed, based in the United States (i.e. KuCoin or Kraken), there are other very well-known industry leaders that are located all over the world. For example, Binance is based in Tokyo, Japan, while Bittrex is located in Liechtenstein. While there are many reasons for why an exchange would prefer to be based in one location over another, most of them boil down to business intricacies, and usually have no effect on the user of the platform.



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