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After concluding an extensive & in-depth online learning platform analysis, the gathered FutureLearn vs Study.com comparison data was divided into 8 separate sections. The general overview table below represents the brief verdict at a glance for your convenience.
Based on the overall score of this FutureLearn vs Study.com comparison, we can see that FutureLearn has a higher rating between the two brands, scoring 8.4. Study.com has managed to reach an overall score of 7.1.
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Best for Students | Learning From World Class Universities | Best for College Credit, Test Prep Lessons & Professional Development | |
4.9 of 5.0 | 4.2 of 5.0 | 3.6 of 5.0 | |
A leading data & AI course-focused online learning platform for beginners and advanced learners. | A simple-to-use learning platform that has been around since 2002. | ||
Visit site Read review | Visit site Read review | See TOP10 Brands Read review |
If you want to make the right, measured choice on which online learning platform is the best, take a peek at the in-depth FutureLearn vs Study.com comparison chart below. It will show you everything you need to know for choosing truly the best e-learning provider out there.
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All DataCamp Coupons | See All Coupons of Best Wallets | ||
Stats |
507 | 2.5K | 1K | |
16 | 8 | 3 | |
14M | 12.5M | 30M | |
Courses |
Beginner to Advanced | Basic to Advanced | Beginner to Advanced | |
Subjects |
Pricing |
N/A | 7 days | N/A | |
$29.00 | $17.50 | $29.99 | |
+900 | +100 | +50 | |
Monthly and annual subscriptions | Limited Access, Unlimited Monthly, and Unlimited Annual subscriptions | Study Premium, Test Prep, College Saver, Classroom Teacher, and Group License subscriptions | |
Paid | Paid | Paid | |
N/A | 14 days | 30 days | |
Learning process |
Slides, Video Material, and Written Material | Video, Audio, Reading Materials | Video Material, Written Material | |
Features |
Compatibility |
Company's info |
DataCamp | FutureLearn | Study.com | |
New York, USA | London, UK | California, USA | |
2014 | 2012 | 2002 | |
Visit site Read review | Visit site Read review | See TOP10 Brands Read review |
Value for money is one the most important features when it comes to online learning platforms. If we compare FutureLearn vs Study.com, it's evident that FutureLearn has higher value for money than Study.com. Talking about the overall quality of content & learning material, if we compare FutureLearn vs Study.com, we can see that better content quality is offered by FutureLearn.
Analysing the number of courses that these two e-learning platforms offer, FutureLearn has the bigger variety of courses to choose from - around 2.5K. Talking about the number of languages available, it's clear that in this FutureLearn vs Study.com comparison, FutureLearn has a higher language count than Study.com with 8 languages available.
Pricing is another important factor for deciding which online learning platform is the best. Looking at the cheapest subscription offered, FutureLearn has a lower price than Study.com, with a price tag beginning from $17.50. If we compare free course count in this FutureLearn vs Study.com comparison, the higher free course number is offered by Study.com with +50 courses that you don't need to pay for. After summing up these main points of FutureLearn vs Study.com comparison, it's evident that FutureLearn has mostly better evaluation scores than Study.com.
Have in mind that in this exact FutureLearn vs Study.com comparison, FutureLearn might seem like the better alternative, but it may not be the case when it's put against the top-rated online learning platform DataCamp. Based on our expert analysis & research, DataCamp has higher-evaluated features than other e-learning providers & is a more suited online learning platform for you.
This FutureLearn vs Study.com comprehensive comparison revealed that DataCamp has overall higher evaluation scores & ratings than FutureLearn and Study.com.
Besides, with its flexible learning timetables, DataCamp lets you fit education around your life, not the other way around. What's more, every finished course comes with a free certificate of completion. Even though they are not accredited, they can still serve as a tangible representation of your skill level. Also, let's not forget the possibility of earning formal certificates.
All these features combine to create a rich, comprehensive learning experience that can help you excel in your career. So, you should definitely give DataCamp a try if you're interested in courses on data science and other technology-specific fields.
Read Full DataCamp ReviewThis is a perfect platform in order to get additional lectures on your pursued field. I would definitely reccomend this - the monthly fee of $29 shouldn't hurt your pocket too much for such quality!
Some courses are a bit out of touch especially when you're paying that much for a monthly membership
Futuristic content lol
the platform is easy to use, but i cant be bothered to pay 60 quid a month
To ensure the highest level of data accuracy, we gather only fact-based and verified information. That's why the results revealed in this FutureLearn vs Study.com online learning platform comparison will surely help you make an informed and rational decision.
Raw data is not enough to make sense for the reader, so to make it easier for you, we analyze tons of gathered user comments, feedback & technical features. The analyzed information is represented in the most understandable manner for smoother comparison.
To make it easy to compare, every feature is scored according to the general market. That's why in this FutureLearn vs Study.com e-learning platform comparison it's really easy to put different brands head-to-head and see which provider has the highest evaluation.
Once all the gathered and analyzed information is scored and put into FutureLearn vs Study.com comparison charts, it's up to you to pick the best one. Of course, it does depend on your own needs and preferences, so make sure to know your learning goals first.
To find out which e-learning platform suits you the best, you have to figure out and set your goals first. Once you know what you want to achieve, it will be much easier for you to filter through online learning platforms, as there are so many different ones. It will be even easier to pick the right provider if you use our extensive online learning platforms' comparison tool which uncovers all the information you may need to make an informed decision.
Once you have chosen what kind of brands you want to compare, it's easy from there on. Just browse the two tables above - the general overview one & a detailed, comprehensive chart. Scan the information, compare your chosen brands side by side & decide which platform suits you best according to the presented scores.
Each individual has different preferences & goals when it comes to learning. But from our experience, the most important factors for e-learning providers are content quality, reputability of the platform and the lecturer, ease of use, overall learning experience, pricing, unique features, certifications & accreditation. All these features are always covered in our in-depth e-learning platforms comparison charts, so be sure to take a look before deciding.
Each individual has different preferences & goals when it comes to learning. But from our experience, the most important factors for e-learning providers are content quality, reputability of the platform and the lecturer, ease of use, overall learning experience, pricing, unique features, certifications & accreditation. All these features are covered in our in-depth e-learning platforms comparison charts.
Every MOOC-reviewing platform is unique and has its own goals and values. Our e-learning reviews are 100% genuine and written after performing a careful analysis. That is the goal that a lot of e-learning review sites lack, so we consider it to be our superpower!
Our dedicated MOOC experts carry out research for weeks – only then can they say their evaluations for different aspects are final and complete. Even though it takes a lot of time, this is the only way we can guarantee that all the essential features of online learning platforms are tried and tested, and the verdict is based on real data.
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