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Key Takeaways

  • There are four main types of blockchain technology out there: public, private, hybrid, and consortium;
  • Each blockchain type serves diverse purposes and use cases, catering to different needs;
  • The key variations between the different types of blockchain networks regard issues of centralization, security, scalability, trust among partners, privacy, and governance.
Understanding the Four Types of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology has become a cornerstone of the digital world, revolutionizing how we approach security and transparency. Within this dynamic realm, various types of blockchain exist, each with its own distinct traits and functionalities.

But what are the different types of blockchain? How many types of blockchain are there? Ā Are they clearly distinctive from one another? If you've got any of these burning questions picking your brain, worry not; today, I'll take you on a deep exploration of all the main types of blockchain networks out there.

Though, amidst this exciting space, it's essential to exercise caution, especially when engaging in cryptocurrency trading. Opting to interact with reputable crypto platforms like Binance, Bybit, and Kraken can significantly mitigate the risk of falling prey to scams, ensuring a safer experience within the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.

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Overview of Blockchain Technology

Before discussing the different types of blockchain networks available today, let's first understand what this technology is all about.

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Blockchain technology is a marvel of modern innovation, operating as a digital ledger that revolutionizes the way we record and manage data. It's a secure and decentralized system that stands out for its ability to safeguard information while maintaining transparency and integrity.

At its core, blockchain is a chain of blocks, each containing data, a timestamp, and a unique cryptographic hash of the previous block. This interlinking creates a secure and immutable record of transactions or information. Once a block is added to the chain, it becomes virtually impossible to alter without changing every subsequent block, requiring consensus from the majority of the network.

Types of blockchain: blocks.

What truly distinguishes blockchain is its decentralization. Unlike traditional systems where a central authority governs transactions, blockchain operates across a network of computers, or nodes, each holding a copy of the entire blockchain. This decentralized structure eliminates the need for intermediaries, enhancing security, reducing costs, and increasing efficiency.

Initially, blockchain gained recognition through cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which used it as the underlying technology for secure, peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a central bank. However, its potential extends far beyond the realm of digital currencies.

Industries around the world are exploring blockchain's capabilities in various sectors. For instance, supply chain management benefits from its ability to track and verify the authenticity of products, enhancing transparency and reducing fraud. In healthcare, it ensures the integrity and security of patient records. Even voting systems are being considered for blockchain integration to bolster security and transparency in elections.

The beauty of blockchain lies in its adaptability. Its decentralized nature, combined with its cryptographic security, presents a versatile solution applicable across diverse industries.

Types of blockchain: adapt.

Consider a supply chain scenario where a luxury fashion brand utilizes blockchain. From the creation of garments to their arrival in stores, blockchain technology enables the brand to trace each step transparently. Every detail, from the origin of materials to the manufacturing process and shipping, is recorded securely on the blockchain.

This example illustrates how blockchain technology can ensure authenticity, preventing counterfeit products from entering the market and building trust among consumers ā€“ after all, anyone would be able to verify the product's journey. Ultimately, this transparency safeguards the brand's reputation and gives consumers confidence in the authenticity and ethical sourcing of their purchases.

Understanding the fundamental principles of blockchain sets the stage for comprehending its vast potential and the different ways it reshapes how data is managed, transactions are conducted, and trust is established in a digital landscape. This foundation allows us to appreciate the nuances of blockchain's evolution and its impact on various facets of our lives.

A Brief History of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology has a pretty interesting and intricate backstory.

It all started back in 1982 with David Chaum, PhD, a leading figure in the cypherpunk movement known for pioneering digital cash. Chaum cooked up the first idea for a blockchain while writing his dissertation at UC Berkeley. This concept was tied to creating untraceable payments, a hot topic even now[1].

Jump forward a bit to 1991, and that's when Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta painted the picture of a chain of blocks secured by cryptography[2]. They were onto something big, describing what we now recognize as the core of blockchain technology.

But it wasn't until 2008 that things really kicked off. Under the mysterious pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, someone (or a group) that was part of the cypherpunk movement unveiled the Bitcoin white paper[3]. It introduced the world to a new way of handling cash: digital, peer-to-peer, and without big banks or government control.

Types of blockchain: Bitcoin.

That's when the first blockchain came into play, creating a ledger for Bitcoin transactions. It was a game-changer, shaking up the whole financial scene. So, Bitcoin is an example of which type of blockchain?

Bitcoin is an example of a public blockchain, which really makes sense ā€“ after all, the lack of central authority perfectly aligns with the goals of the cypherpunk movement back then (but we'll talk more about public and other types of blockchain later).

Over time, different versions of blockchain emerged, each with its twist. Ethereum, for example, took things further, adding smart contracts into the mix, and these contracts aren't your usual paper-and-pen ones. They're bits of code that automatically execute when conditions are met.

How many blockchains are there, overall? Well, A LOT, but I'll get into that a bit later.

Types of blockchain: Ethereum.

Now, note that blockchain isn't just about currency, but about revolutionizing how we handle all kinds of transactions. From Ethereum to Solana and hundreds of other chains, each brings its flavor to the table, shaping this ever-evolving technology.

Besides, alongside the aforementioned trailblazers, there are other names worth noting, and most of them were cypherpunk activists in the 80's and 90's. By researching, writing papers, running tests, and collaborating among themselves, they gave birth to the concept of blockchain.

Nick Szabo and Hal Finney both played key roles in the early days, contributing concepts like decentralized digital currency and reusable Proof-of-Work (PoW) systems, respectively. Their ideas laid the groundwork for what we see today. Moreover, thinkers like Stefan Konst and his work on cryptographically secured chains provided critical building blocks for the development of blockchain technology.

Exploring the Four Types of Blockchain

I know, diving into the world of blockchain is like stepping into a digital labyrinth with fascinating twists and turns. At its core, blockchain technology isn't a singular entity, as you'll get to know as soon as you learn about the different types of blockchain out there. This incredible technology is actually more of a spectrum with distinct shades, each offering unique possibilities.

Now, how many blockchains are there? As of writing, there are actually over 1,000 blockchain networks, and this number only tends to increase daily. With such endless possibilities, this technology can only grow in applications and use cases.

And how many types of blockchain are there, you ask? There are four main types of blockchain (for now, at least).

So, what are the different types of blockchain? There are public, private, hybrid, and consortium blockchains. Each type brings its own flavor to the table, creating a diverse landscape of functionalities and applications.

Understanding these four blockchain types is like deciphering a code to unlock the true potential of blockchain. So, time to delve deeper into each type, unraveling their unique characteristics.

Public Blockchain

Public blockchains are like bustling town squares in the digital world. They're open to everyone, allowing anyone to join, participate, and verify transactions. Think of them as communal ledgers where anyone can read, write, and be part of the action. Bitcoin is an example of this type of blockchain, and Ethereum, too.

These blockchains run on a decentralized network, meaning there's no central authority calling the shots. Instead, they rely on a consensus mechanism ā€“ like PoW or PoS ā€“ to validate transactions.

What about their security? It's high up there because of the distributed nature of this blockchain type, as there's no single point of failure in it.

Transparency is a big deal in public blockchains, too. Every transaction is visible to anyone, anytime, anywhere. That's the beauty of it. But hey, don't worry about privacy. While transactions are out in the open, your identity can stay incognito.

Types of blockchain: orders.

To be a part of a public blockchain, all you have to do is fire up your computer, join the network, and you're in. Just remember, it's not all roses. Public blockchains can be slower and have scalability issues due to their openness. With more participants, the process might take a tad longer.

Ah, and one more thing. Public blockchains often involve fees for transactions. They help keep the network humming and the validators motivated. So, while it's open to all, there might be a small cost to be a part of it.

In a nutshell, public blockchains are like the wild, bustling, open markets where everyone's invited to trade, interact, and be part of the action. They're transparent, secure, and accessible to anyone with an internet connection and a willingness to join in the fun.

Private Blockchain

Now, let's flip the coin. When delving into the world of blockchain, private blockchains stand out as unique entities with a restricted access system. Think of them as exclusive clubs where entry is limited to authorized individuals or entities. This controlled access grants a higher level of privacy and security, making them ideal for certain business applications.

One key aspect of private blockchains is their centralized nature, as they are managed by a single entity. This centralized control offers advantages in terms of efficiency and scalability but comes with a serious cost: no decentralization.

Another noteworthy characteristic of private blockchains is their permissioned structure. Participants must receive permission or be authenticated by the governing entity to join the network. This means that transactions and data on a private blockchain are visible only to approved participants, enhancing confidentiality and control over sensitive information.

Types of blockchain: login.

Despite their advantages, private blockchains also face criticism. The centralized control raises concerns about potential manipulation by the governing entity. Moreover, the restricted access conflicts with the core principles of decentralization that underpin blockchain technology.

Understanding the intricacies of private blockchains unveils their potential and limitations. They offer enhanced privacy, control, and efficiency for specific applications but come with trade-offs regarding decentralization and openness.

Hybrid Blockchain

Among the various types of blockchain, the hybrid ones emerge as a blend of the best aspects of the technologies I just told you about. Think of them like a combination meal, offering the benefits of public and private blockchains while minimizing their limitations.

So, what makes a hybrid blockchain unique?

Well, itā€™s like having a foot in two different worlds. On one side, youā€™ve got the transparency and decentralization of a public blockchain. This openness allows anyone to participate, view, and verify transactions. On the other side, thereā€™s the privacy and control found in a private blockchain.

Types of blockchain: private and public.

In essence, a hybrid blockchain is all about balance. It allows for certain parts of the ledger to be public while keeping sensitive information private. However, creating this balance isnā€™t a walk in the park. It requires a thoughtful design and a robust consensus mechanism that allows for this split personality, so to speak. Plus, ensuring interoperability between the public and private aspects is key to making it work seamlessly.

One of the real beauties of the hybrid blockchain is its flexibility. Businesses can tailor the level of access and control they want, adapting the blockchain to suit their specific needs. Also, as technology advances, this adaptability becomes even more valuable, allowing for adjustments without compromising security or efficiency.

In the world of blockchain, diversity is the name of the game, and the hybrid blockchain adds a fascinating dimension to the mix, proving that, sometimes, the middle ground is where innovation truly thrives.

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Consortium Blockchain

Finally, there's the consortium blockchain type, which is more of a team effort. Think of them as groups of organizations pooling their resources to run blockchain networks together.

In this setup, a bunch of selected entities join hands, forming a sort of exclusive club. These members run the show, verifying transactions, and managing the blockchain system collectively. It's not a free-for-all, nor is it led by a single organization.

The beauty? It strikes a balance between openness and control. Consortium blockchains retain some level of decentralization, making them more secure and efficient than traditional systems. Plus, they're not as rigid as their private counterparts, allowing selected entities to share and access information securely within their circle.

Types of blockchain: a man building block tower.

Oh, and flexibility is key here, too. Consortium blockchains can adjust permissions and rules based on their specific needs. This adaptability makes them handy in industries where multiple parties need to collaborate securely while maintaining some control over the network.

To put it short, consortium blockchains are like a cozy club where selected players team up, strike a balance between openness and control, and collaborate securely to reap the benefits of blockchain technology.

Comparative Analysis of Blockchain Types

When examining the four main types of blockchain out there, a nuanced understanding of their individual characteristics is vital.

The public blockchain, renowned for its decentralized and inclusive nature, stands in stark contrast to the private blockchain, which emphasizes controlled access and confidentiality.

Public blockchains thrive on transparency. Their openness enables anyone to participate, fostering a trust-based environment where transactions are visible to all. However, this transparency comes at a cost: privacy may be compromised, and scalability can present challenges due to the vast number of users involved in the network.

In contrast, private blockchains prioritize control and privacy. These networks are typically operated by select entities, restricting access to authorized participants.

While private blockchains' emphasis on confidentiality enhances privacy, it might sacrifice the decentralized ethos upheld by public blockchains (and, in doing so, it might sacrifice the original core principles that led to the creation of blockchain technology as a whole, too). This controlled environment, however, allows for more efficient scalability and tailored governance structures.

Types of blockchain: DeFi.

Hybrid blockchains aim to strike a balance between the virtues of public and private blockchains. These networks seek to merge the advantages of transparency and control, catering to businesses that require both privacy and the benefits of a shared, transparent ledger. By maintaining this equilibrium, hybrid blockchains aim to offer versatile solutions for various use cases.

Still, the complexities introduced by hybrid blockchains can be a real drawback. By merging aspects of public and private blockchains, these hybrid dreams can turn into management nightmares. The blend of differing functionalities, consensus mechanisms, and governance models from both public and private blockchains requires meticulous oversight and specialized knowledge, potentially limiting the pool of available talent and driving up operational costs.

Moreover, the need for robust protocols to ensure communication and interaction between the public and private segments of hybrid blockchains can further complicate the development and maintenance process. As a result, while offering promise, navigating the intricacies of hybrid blockchains remains a significant challenge for implementation and sustained operation.

Consortium blockchains, another category in this spectrum, are formed by a collaborative effort among multiple organizations. These networks foster a semi-decentralized approach where a group of known participants collaborates and shares responsibilities. This structure allows for controlled access among trusted entities while promoting cooperation and shared governance.

Types of blockchain: collaboration.

But, with multiple entities involved, decision-making can be slow and complex, leading to difficulties in achieving consensus on protocol updates or changes. This can hinder the blockchain's agility and scalability, impacting its ability to adapt to evolving needs.

Additionally, the level of decentralization in consortium blockchains might create potential security and trust issues if one or a few entities within the consortium gain excessive control. Privacy concerns also persist, as ensuring complete data privacy among participating members remains a challenge.

Comparing these types of blockchain networks reveals a tapestry of strengths and limitations. Security, scalability, privacy, and governance emerge as pivotal factors influencing the selection of the most suitable blockchain for a particular application.

The decision-making process hinges on a comprehensive evaluation of these factors, aligning the unique requirements and objectives of a project or organization with the attributes offered by each blockchain type. This meticulous examination ensures a well-informed choice, acknowledging the varied advantages and constraints each type presents.

By scrutinizing the diverse features and functionalities of these blockchain types, stakeholders can make informed decisions, leveraging the strengths of a chosen blockchain while navigating its inherent limitations effectively.

Use Cases and Applications

Now, let's explore the practical sides of the different types of blockchain I've just discussed.

Public blockchains, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, are known for their transparency and decentralization. They shine in scenarios requiring openness, like financial transactions or voting systems. These platforms empower anyone to participate without needing permission.

Bitcoin, for instance, revolutionized peer-to-peer transactions, enabling secure and transparent financial exchanges globally. Ethereum's smart contracts facilitate decentralized applications (dApps) and crowdfunding through Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs).

On the other hand, private blockchains suit industries like finance, retail, and healthcare, where data privacy is paramount. They enable controlled access to information among selected participants, ensuring confidentiality while leveraging blockchain's efficiency.

JPMorgan Chase & Co, a major multinational investment bank, showcases this well through their use of Quorum. This private blockchain system facilitates speedy and secure cross-border transactions.

Types of blockchain: JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Hybrid blockchains, blending public and private features, cater to businesses seeking a balance. They're adaptable, fitting diverse needs, such as supply chain management or verifying product authenticity. These networks offer a middle ground by combining privacy and accessibility.

Take the IBM Food Trust as an example. In its hybrid blockchain network, farmers, distributors, and wholesalers are involved. Each group gets access to a private blockchain specific to their transactions. Meanwhile, the public blockchain part shares information among these groups.

Consortium blockchains, formed by a group, are excellent for industries with multiple collaborators. They foster collaboration while maintaining controlled access, making them ideal for sectors like logistics, where various entities need to share data securely.

In the MELLODDY Project, a consortium blockchain powers a drug discovery initiative. Using Amazon Web Services, academic partners run machine learning algorithms on their data without sharing it. They exchange non-sensitive models via a secure framework called Substra, tracked on a private blockchain using Hyperledger Fabric.

This ensures data protection and improved model performance among 17 key players, including pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, experts, and an AI computing company.

Types of blockchain: drug discovery.

Now, looking more broadly, in healthcare, blockchain secures patient data, ensuring accuracy and privacy. Financial institutions employ it for quick and transparent cross-border transactions. Supply chains leverage blockchain to track goods from origin to consumers, combating counterfeiting and enhancing transparency.

The entertainment industry finds blockchain useful for protecting artists' rights and ensuring fair compensation. Governments explore its potential in secure voting systems, enhancing transparency and reducing fraud. Energy sectors utilize it for efficient management of power grids and decentralized energy trading.

Understanding the unique attributes of each blockchain type allows industries to tap into their specific benefits, revolutionizing diverse sectors by improving transparency, security, and efficiency in their operations[4].


Exploring the basis of crypto technology reveals a fascinating array of possibilities housed within the four primary types of blockchain: public, private, hybrid, and consortium. Each type carries distinct features and functions, offering diverse solutions and challenges across various industries.

The journey through these blockchain types underscores the technology's versatility, demonstrating how it's reshaping sectors like finance, retail, and supply chain management. Embracing the nuances of each type empowers us to harness the potential of blockchain, driving innovation and transforming the future of numerous industries.

Still, blockchain technology has its fair share of vulnerabilities. So, as a crypto enthusiast and investor, it's important to stay safe by performing due diligence and sticking to trustworthy projects like Binance, Bybit, or Kraken.

The content published on this website is not aimed to give any kind of financial, investment, trading, or any other form of advice. BitDegree.org does not endorse or suggest you to buy, sell or hold any kind of cryptocurrency. Before making financial investment decisions, do consult your financial advisor.

Scientific References

1. A. Sherman, F. Javani, H. Zhang, et al.: 'On the Origins and Variations of Blockchain Technologies';

2. S. Haber, W. S. Stornetta: 'How to Time-Stamp a Digital Document';

3. S. Nakamoto: 'Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System';

4. P. Paul, P. Aithal, R. Saavedra, et al.: 'Blockchain Technology and Its Typesā€”A Short Review'.

About Article's Experts & Analysts

By Ain N.

Lead Content Researcher

Ain is the Lead Content Researcher. Her vast experience with crypto and blockchain tech-related content allows her to identify the key pieces of information that should be presented to the learner, and ensure the validity of the gathered data. Wit...
Ain N. , Lead Content Researcher
Ain is the Lead Content Researcher. Her vast experience with crypto and blockchain tech-related content allows her to identify the key pieces of information that should be presented to the learner, and ensure the validity of the gathered data.
With a degree in New Media studies, she has developed an extensive list of techniques to educate people via new, research-proven study models based on deduction and long-term human memory.
Ain approaches everything with unequivocal attention to detail. Her main goals are to erase the ambiguity surrounding many Web3 concepts, and to guide content writers in presenting difficult crypto-related concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.
Even though content strategy is her main passion, Ain also enjoys reading high-fantasy books and watching superhero movies.

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Bitcoin is an example of which type of blockchain?

Bitcoin operates on a public blockchain network. It’s like an open stage where anyone can participate, view, and add transactions. This openness is what makes Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies accessible to anyone who wants to be a part of the network. Public blockchains prioritize transparency and decentralization, allowing anyone to validate transactions and contribute to the network’s security. In case you want to safely invest in Bitcoin, it's advised that you do so on trustworthy crypto exchanges like Binance, Bybit, or Kraken.

What are the different types of blockchain?

There are four prominent types of blockchain: public, private, hybrid, and consortium. Public blockchains (like Bitcoin or Ethereum) welcome everyone to participate and verify transactions, ensuring transparency. Private blockchains, in contrast, have restricted access, emphasizing privacy and control. Hybrid blockchains merge elements of both public and private networks, offering a blend of transparency and restricted access for versatility. Lastly, consortium blockchains involve multiple organizations collaborating on a shared network, distributing control among the participants for collective management. Each type caters to specific needs and serves distinct purposes within the blockchain landscape.

How to pick the best crypto exchange for yourself?

Picking out the best crypto exchange for yourself, you should always focus on maintaining a balance between the essential features that all top crypto exchanges should have, and those that are important to you, personally. For example, all of the best exchanges should possess top-tier security features, but if you're looking to trade only the main cryptocurrencies, you probably don't really care too much about the variety of coins available on the exchange. It's all a case-by-case scenario!

Which cryptocurrency exchange is best for beginners?

Reading through various best crypto exchange reviews online, you're bound to notice that one of the things that most of these exchanges have in common is that they are very simple to use. While some are more straightforward and beginner-friendly than others, you shouldn't encounter any difficulties with either of the top-rated exchanges. That said, many users believe that KuCoin is one of the simpler exchanges on the current market.

What is the difference between a crypto exchange and a brokerage?

In layman's terms, a cryptocurrency exchange is a place where you meet and exchange cryptocurrencies with another person. The exchange platform (i.e. Binance) acts as a middleman - it connects you (your offer or request) with that other person (the seller or the buyer). With a brokerage, however, there is no ā€œother personā€ - you come and exchange your crypto coins or fiat money with the platform in question, without the interference of any third party. When considering cryptocurrency exchange rankings, though, both of these types of businesses (exchanges and brokerages) are usually just thrown under the umbrella term - exchange. This is done for the sake of simplicity.

Are all the top cryptocurrency exchanges based in the United States?

No, definitely not! While some of the top cryptocurrency exchanges are, indeed, based in the United States (i.e. KuCoin or Kraken), there are other very well-known industry leaders that are located all over the world. For example, Binance is based in Tokyo, Japan, while Bittrex is located in Liechtenstein. While there are many reasons for why an exchange would prefer to be based in one location over another, most of them boil down to business intricacies, and usually have no effect on the user of the platform.



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