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I am really excited about this course since it presents me with a great opportunity to grow my skills and become a professional

Indla's story

Indla is a student from India keen to learn Machine Learning. He feel like the quality of education is not up to the mark and the only way to get a viable career option in the future for him is to take courses. College Indla is studying in does not permit part-time job so he would not be able to carry the expenses to pay for the certificate of this course. Scholarship would help him take Machine Learning course without any adverse impact on his monthly essential needs. He's really excited about this course as it presents him a great opportunity to grow his skills and become a professional.

Requester Verified

Person was reviewed and verified by BitDegree

Blockchain Certificate Included

The graduate will receive a blockchain certificate that is immune to falsification.

Refund Guarantee

If requester fails to finish a course until deadline, your sponsorship will be refunded.