Do you want to gain new knowledge? Are you thinking about what method should you choose to prepare for the exam? Does nothing work for you at the moment? Well, I have a solution. Would you like to learn Microsoft Dynamics 365 configuration? Are you preparing for the MB2-716 exam? Do you want to get the best results? I believe you do because, otherwise, you wouldn't be here... So take this course, it will provide you with the 20-25% of the exam curriculum, you will learn according to the Mb2-716 exam topics, therefore you will cover each of the questions that are part of your exam. It is a great opportunity to kill two birds with one stone because you will not only learn Dynamics 365 CRM but also prepare for your examination. So just take this course - it is the greatest method for studying!
This is a voluminous course where you will learn every topic in details and have the best learning experience. Instructor of this course Abhay Sharma is experienced in his field. He has spectacular project management experience and he is a certified trainer at Microsoft. Abhay Sharma has already lectured thousands of specialists all around the world. So, you will get valuable experience and the best material. And, who knows, maybe you will become one of them.
Let me introduce you with the outline of this Microsoft Dynamics 365 certification training so that you would know what to expect. This course consists of 6 sections, each of them consists of a number of lessons. Section 1 will introduce you with the general information of the course. Section 2 will provide you with Microsoft Dynamics 365 administration and settings: business, user, data management and many others. Section 3 - Microsoft Dynamics 365 security model, Section 4 - Dynamics 365 CRM emails, Section 5 - Microsoft Dynamics 365 integration with other offerings, section 6 - configuration.
Why Microsoft Dynamics 365? Well, Dynamics 365 CRM is the cloud-based Enterprise Business Solution that has lots of benefits such as improving customers experience, field service management, PSA, it helps in sales force automation, and in financial and operations management. Moreover, with the help of this course, you will prepare for MB2-716 certification because this course covers about 20-25% of the exam curriculum. The good part is that this exam does not require much knowledge, you should be comfortable surfing the internet, have a basic understanding of Microsft Dynamics, basics of Microsoft Office, such as Outlook, Excel, and that’s it.
This course is the first part of your MB2-716 exam preparation. You will learn each element of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customization and Configuration. After Microsoft Dynamics training, you will be confident in the Dynamics 365 configuration. Moreover, Certification preparation class notes will be a great way to repeat what you have already learned, therefore, you will increase your chance to pass the MB2-716 exam. There is nothing else to consider - just take the course and get the best Microsoft Dynamics training!
Moreover, after completing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certification Preparation: Part 1, you'll be abe to take part 2, part 3 and part 4 of the exam preparation.
Course consist of total 3h 16min of content, in total.
Abhay Sharma is an Author, Entrepreneur, result oriented Trainer and a Marketing Consultant. Also, he has an excellent project management experience (PMP Certified) and he is a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT).
He has expertise in Microsoft Dynamics products and trained thousands of professionals around the world.