In just one hour, learn how to obtain publicity for your local business, non-profit, activist cause or yourself in this local advertising course. This is a practical, no-fluff video course that includes sample materials to show you what media folks hope to see from you. If you have ever wondered how to promote your business locally or hot to get publicity for yourself or your non-profit cause, you will learn all the tricks here.
In this local advertising course, you'll get acquainted with a lot of publicity ideas and methods on how to get publicity. You will learn:
When you serve a defined geographical town, city or region, getting publicity through local advertising in that area is not difficult. Discover the local marketing strategies to approach traditional media (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV) as well as new media (local blogs, other social media and "influencers"), since that could lead to free publicity opportunities.
Spreading the word about your cause or obtaining the techniques - which are neither obvious nor common sense - for obtaining no-cost business publicity is not easy. Learn what you to do and what not do to achieve visibility, credibility, and outreach to potential customers and clients in your neck of the woods. Learn how to promote your business locally! Learn how to make yourself known.
The course instructor, Marcia Yudkin, is the author of two books on publicity. She has received local, national and even international publicity for herself and has helped dozens of local-business clients get into the news. In the opposite role, when she wrote for magazines and hosted teleseminar courses, she interviewed more than a thousand publicity seekers over the years. So it's fair to say she knows this business inside and out and she knows how to get publicity.
Supplementary materials for the local business advertising course include a sample press release, sample pitch letter, a sample five-month publicity plan and more than a hundred proven ideas for becoming newsworthy. They will provide you with useful publicity ideas and will teach you how to how to obtain publicity for your local cause, be it a business venture or a non-profit.
So if you are a beginner and you have no idea how to promote your cause, this course is just for you. However, even if you have done some (for example) business publicity before, these local marketing straties will help you look at it from another angle.
If you're holding back out of shyness or a "who, me?" feeling of inadequacy -- don't. Your local media need you to fill their pages and airtime! No matter what you are doing, you need to know how to spread the word about yourself, so this local business advertising course is just for you.
Course consist of total 1h of content, in total.
Marketing coach Marcia Yudkin is the author of 17 traditionally published books, including “6 Steps to Free Publicity”, now in a 3rd edition, and dozens of ebooks and online courses. She has delivered commentaries on NPR (formerly known as National Public Radio) and been featured in the Wall St. Journal, Entrepreneur and scores of newspapers, both local and around the world.
Her unconventional yet practical marketing advice suits rebels who hate the "musts" nearly everyone spouts. (For instance, she doesn't blog or use Facebook or LinkedIn, and she works with many clients who avoid social media.) She is known for creativity, thoughtfulness, long-range customer satisfaction, and integrity.
Marcia Yudkin’s clients range from grizzled entrepreneurs to nervous newly self-employed professionals, from software publishers and eCommerce startups to media companies, associations, and independent educational programs. In recent years, Marcia Yudkin has also created mentoring programs for aspiring copywriters, for ambitious yet confused business owners, and for introverts looking for authentic branding that highlights their personal strengths and quirks.
She lives in Western Massachusetts much of the year and the rest of the time on the island paradise of Maui. When not working, she swims, reads, runs, travels and learns languages – particularly Spanish and Mandarin Chinese.