Everybody has heard about intelligence quotient (IQ). Many people have even tried taking tests to discover how intelligent they are. Over the last couple of decades, there has been a increase in awareness of a different index called the emotional quotient (EQ), which is a measure of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, manage and use emotions in one’s daily life. This is underpinned with empathy - the ability to recognise and understand the emotions of others.
Like any other assessments of intelligence, emotional intelligence can be measured but it can change and be developed through application and learning. The concept itself been developed by psychologists – as well as employers - as somone with higher levels of emotional intelligence can make a better choice for a job that requires being a leader or a part of a professional team.
Many people are unsure about how to improve emotional intelligence – and if thiis can even achieved. In this emotional intelligence training course, I will explain how you and your team can work on your emotional intelligence to collaborate more effectively and so perform at higher levels and achieve better results.
Life in the 21st century can be stressful as many professionals work on a variety of complex projects, tight deadlines, and ever-changing technology. Naturally, human emotions play a massive part in work-related interactions and in collaboration. Learning how to work with and improve emotional intelligence can be of immense value. Not only will you strengthen and enhance your work relationships at a deeper level, you also get a better understanding of how to work with emotions - yours and those of others.
Having over thirty-five years of commercial experience, I have built a well-respected business focused on emotional intelligence training. This is an extensive course to help you find out how to improve emotional intelligence in your team. In just under two hours, you will agin an understanding of what emotional intelligence is and why it underpins successful teamwork.
We will explore co-working, leadership & management, handling conflict, and building emotional resilience. As well as forty useful videos lessons, I have also prepared comprehensive notes and interactive exercises to help you get the most of my emotional intelligence course.
Despite working towards the same goal, people are different with different preferences and a different focus. Understanding the key differences and determining the best ways to work with them is often the key to a more fruitful collaboration.
In this emotional intelligence course, I’m going to introduce the DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance) model used to identify four distinct types of human behaviour. This can be especially helpful in developing emotional intelligence. Noticing how the four styles are expressed in each person will enable you to predict how they act and react, and will help you to approach them in ways that they prefer.
Understanding how to improve emotional intelligence both in your team and in your personal life will help you to appreciate how humans interact This will make feel better about yourself and about your interactions with other people and enable you to achieve better results without stress. After all, teamwork can make dream work!
Course consist of total 2h 17min of content, in total.
Robin Hills is an emotional intelligence coach, international speaker, and director of Ei4Change - recognised nationally and internationally as specialists in emotional intelligence, neuroscience and positive psychology in the workplace. Robin has more than 35 years of successful experience in commercial and leadership, working in various companies such as NHS, charities, universities, biotechnology companies, and others. Also, he is the author of valued books (“The Authority Guide to Emotional Resilience in Business” and “The Authority Guide to Behaviour in Business”).
Robin Hills loves to give practical relevance to increase productivity and effectiveness, that he founds by linking together the outputs from assessments.
On BitDegree, learning from this instructor, you have an amazing opportunity to improve your emotional intelligence skills. Robin Hills will teach you how to manage stress, how to develop emotional intelligence in teams, how to inspire others and much more. So don’t hesitate. Choose from a variety of his courses and start learning today!