In this course, you will learn how to give yourself an immersive digital identity by creating and designing your avatar in the metaverse. The metaverse is a virtual world of data that allows you to keep track of what you own and what you interact with online. was founded in 2018 and has grown in popularity with everyday metaverse fans who want an immersive space to showcase their social digital identity.
Voxels allow you to walk through the metaverse and enter different 'parcels' using an avatar. All avatars enter the metaverse as an anonymous 'marshmellow' and are therefore indistinguishable from one another. To stand out and have an identity in the metaverse, you must first design your avatar to your liking. A designed avatar has a far better chance of social interaction with other avatars in the metaverse than an anonymous one.
In this course, you will learn how to begin creating your identity for free before exploring ways in which you can add more life and realism to your avatar by dressing it in NFT wearables. These wearables can be purchased within the metaverse and also on NFT marketplaces such as, demonstrated in the finale of this course.
Ready to get started?
Course consist of total 30min of content, in total.