Hello and welcome to this course.
If you are new to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies you probably want to first get your feet wet and see what
it is all about at the lowest risk.
How better can you do that than by getting free crypto and not investing your own money.
There are methods to earn Cryptocurrencies for free and we are going to cover some of these methods in
this course.
Obviously this will allow you to learn more about this industry and to actually start building a portofolio,
doing trades and other moves inside the crypto space.
It is a very simple and easy to follow training that can valuable not just for new people that want to get
into the industry but it can also be valuable for more early adopters who want to diversify the way they
get crypto.
The only resources you will need to invest are a bit of your time and energy. And even if you wouldn't earn
crypto by doing this, it would still be worth, just for the knowledge you gain.
So, if you want to learn how to get crypto without actually buying it than this course is probably right for you.
Enroll right now and let's get started!
Course consist of total 43min of content, in total.
My name is Sorin and I am an online marketer and crypto enthusiast since 2017.
I've seen many lives changed because of the crypto space in these past years and
I know that many opportunities appear all the time. In most of my courses you will
learn the basics and how to get started in this new, exciting and full of oportunities space.