Financial analysis can be a tough topic to get into - there are a lot of different skills that you must possess to be able to study and perform these analyses adequately. To a lot of people, financial ratio analysis in Excel seems like a tedious and boring topic that takes up a lot of time and is way more difficult than it should be. However, it doesn’t have to be that way! Once you learn the methodology behind analyzing financial ratios in Excel, you will become both proficient and fast with the topic of financial statement analysis. And this course will teach you all about it.
To an untrained eye, this analysis might seem like yet another generic task that accountants and financial analysts perform. However, you and I both know that the actual situation is quite different - Excel financial analysis is a very important part of the job, requiring the utmost precision. The different kinds of rations are used to make comparisons between different assets and liabilities. Surely, there are other various forms and tools that can help with financial ratio analysis. Excel is one of these tools and the form shown in the course is one of the most commonly known of types.
To put it very simply, ratios are used to evaluate the financial situation of a company through various different variables. And although there are many methods of calculating and performing a financial ratio analysis, the best one to use is generally accepted to be the Excel data analysis method. When you analyze financial ratios in Excel, the result you get, is usually clear, direct and, most importantly, correct. Excel makes this process a lot easier and faster, guaranteeing maximum efficiency and precision. Many companies that are looking to hire a financial analyst require employees to be proficient and knowledgeable on how to do financial ratio analysis in Excel. If you’re one of such people, you’re in luck - this course is here to help.
This course is specifically designed to help you learn and understand how you can use Excel data analysis and utilize the vast array of benefits that the program provides. Once you finish this financial ratio analysis tutorial, you will be able to understand and fully comprehend the basic and essential data analysis in Excel features to help you in your work. We will cover and discuss the top 15 financial ratios used by experts around the world, and discuss why they’re as popular and as useful as they are. We’ll cover all of the key definitions, terms and other variables that you might need - no prior experience required!
And that’s the other thing - this is a beginner’s course, which means that you do not need to have any experience with either Excel or financial ratio analysis to start learning! If you have the preferred version of Excel installed - great! That’s enough to begin learning! Whatever else you’ll need will be provided (or explained how to acquire) within the course itself. Don’t waste another minute - start learning about financial ratio analysis in Excel today!
Course consist of total 58min of content, in total.
Chris Benjamin is a passionate instructor and management consultant. As a consulting Chief Financial Officer, he helps growth-stage companies to work with investors, do financial modeling, reporting, and analysis and put all the best accounts payable practices. Throughout his over 10 years of experience, Chris has already helped more than 100 startups to succeed.
Chris Benjamin has a passion for sharing his experience with students and teaching online. His focus is on teaching business-related topics like finance, accounting, Excel, and entrepreneurship. Chris is a creator of more than 85 courses and has over 30k students who enrolled in his courses.
Chris holds a Bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University College of the Fraser Valley and an MBA in business from the University of Washington.
On BitDegree, you can find some of the best Chris Benjamin’s courses and expand your knowledge. You can learn such things as economics, finance, public speaking, business management, and others. Choose the best course for yourself and take your skills to the next level in no time!